Superwife - Camo belt - D

My wife of 8 years and mother of our three kids. She started TKD after the birth of Odie, our third child.

Princess - Camo Belt - D

Our seven-year-old daughter. She was originally supposed to be a spectator to Cowboy, but jumped in and has proven to have an incredible talent for the martial arts.

Cowboy - Camo Belt - D

Our six-year-old son. He is small for his age, so starting him in TKD is what got us into this mess. He is very close to our Chief Instructor, and his spirit is twice as big as he is.


Our youngest son, born in April of 2006. By the time he is old enough to start, we should all be Black Belts.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome ATA Forum'ers!

I've linked my blog to, a great resource for learning stuff about the ATA as a whole. There are some great posters on there, and it's done a good deal towards my education on ATA and Tae Kwon Do as an art. Definitely worth checking out.

That having been said--I tend to rant on here quite a bit, and I never in any way mean any disrespect to my intructors or school. When it comes down to it, my school and the ATA are some of the best things that has happened to my family in a long time and has brought us closer. My instructors are great, as well as the classes I've been taking. If I rant or complain about things, it's just a flaw in my life that I am working on--as well as patience.


PUSHUP: -626
SITUPS: -1708
MILES: -40.5

Comments on "Welcome ATA Forum'ers!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:50 AM) : 

There is nothing wrong with ranting or complaining. It's HOW you do it. If something is wrong or miscommunicated, then it's worth ranting or complaining about it. Things don't improve in the world by just sitting on our tushies. If you see something that doesn't seem right, then you should speak up. If you speak up in a constructive, diplomatic way, you're more likely to find solutions than not. Sometimes, you find something is truly wrong, and it needs to be presented. Sometimes, you find that you are mistaken, but it's with clarifying things that information can be disseminated correctly. One of those "better safe than sorry" things. ;-)


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