Superwife - Camo belt - D

My wife of 8 years and mother of our three kids. She started TKD after the birth of Odie, our third child.

Princess - Camo Belt - D

Our seven-year-old daughter. She was originally supposed to be a spectator to Cowboy, but jumped in and has proven to have an incredible talent for the martial arts.

Cowboy - Camo Belt - D

Our six-year-old son. He is small for his age, so starting him in TKD is what got us into this mess. He is very close to our Chief Instructor, and his spirit is twice as big as he is.


Our youngest son, born in April of 2006. By the time he is old enough to start, we should all be Black Belts.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Orange Belt

First test complete.

It went well, faster than I thought it would. The only catch to it was that I had to go through a pretty hellacious workout first, so I was pretty exhausted when the test actually started. The only real mistake that I know I made was accidentally punching myself in the nose when doing the double forearm block for my #2 onestep.

I don't think anyone noticed. :)


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FORMS: - 4
RAOK: -34

Comments on "Orange Belt"


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:03 AM) : 

Congrats on the new orange belt! Wish me luck for my blue belt on Tuesday-- I'm still having bad back and knee problems, so I need all the good karma I can get!


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