Superwife - Camo belt - D

My wife of 8 years and mother of our three kids. She started TKD after the birth of Odie, our third child.

Princess - Camo Belt - D

Our seven-year-old daughter. She was originally supposed to be a spectator to Cowboy, but jumped in and has proven to have an incredible talent for the martial arts.

Cowboy - Camo Belt - D

Our six-year-old son. He is small for his age, so starting him in TKD is what got us into this mess. He is very close to our Chief Instructor, and his spirit is twice as big as he is.


Our youngest son, born in April of 2006. By the time he is old enough to start, we should all be Black Belts.

This is a chronicle of my journey with my family along the paths of Songham Tae Kwon Do. Our destination is multi-faceted--but for my wife and I it is an odyssey of self-renewal and discovery.

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Friday, August 11, 2006


My first test Thursday.

Since I'm leaving for 5 weeks before the test, my instructor is going to let me do it before I leave. Unfortunately, this means I'll be doing front of the whole class. Lucky me.

I started doing my own little version of the Ultimate Black Belt Test (UBBT), but I dumbed it down enough for a white belt. Instead of a year, I'm only going to go 6 months, and I dropped all the numbers down to 25%. If it works out, then I'll do a harder version, all the way up to the actual UBBT when I make Black Belt.

Here are the basics:

250 miles run/walked
13,000 pushups
13,000 situps
10 forms/week
3 random acts of kindness per day
6 books read
Daily journal of progress
6 personal victories

We'll see how it goes. I'm doing ok so far, though it's easy to fall behind.

I was thinking of entering a tournament in FL since that's where I'll be training while I'm away. We'll see.

Comments on "UBBT"


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:33 PM) : 

Wow, that sounds ambitious! Since I'm not familiar with UBBT, I'm a little confused-- it is over the 6 months time you'd accomplish the scaled down version of accomplishments, or during the 5 weeks you'll be away? And prepping for Nationals? That's a big deal. I wish I could afford to go, financially and time-wise. I'm going to have a hard enough time going to regionals this fall as it is. I've already seen where my category color belts 30-39 in NJ is already a very sought after thing, and that's because a few people in the category here in NJ went to Nationals. Bleeh. I would've gone if I could. That means I have to work that much harder to get some points. My stuff isn't even posted yet! You go! I like your black belt attitude! ;-)


Blogger Suz said ... (1:09 PM) : 

Ambitious isn't even the word for that....more like INSANE! :)

Good luck. Keep us posted!


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