November Recap
Well, I'm just now figuring out that there's only two tournaments left in the season for us--Jan 20th and the Spring Nationals in February. I'm telling you though, those Nationals are a big motivator. Even if I don't score any points for State Champ (since we aren't in Leadership, which is irrelevant now with only two tournies to go) I really want to be able to say that I did well in a Class A tournament. My goal by Nationals was to be at 200 pounds, something I haven't seen since shortly after joining the military 12 years ago. After class the other night I almost fell off the scale when I saw "208" on the readout. Granted, a lot of that was water weight but that puts me at a solid 212 right now. I'm thinking I can get even lower--a lot lower--by late Febraury. At the rate I'm going now I'll be below 200 by Christmas. November, fitness-wise, has been a great month. I manged to make up over 2000 situps and 1500 pushups, and gained 20 miles of ground on my running. SW has taken up running, too, so a lot of times I'm running twice in a day. Takes its toll on the legs, and it's awfully friggin' cold running at night, but with each step we're getting better. My Personal Victories are turning out to be Personal Failures, but I'll take what I can get. Let's see--August was Determination, which I accomplished but promptly fell behind. If I can catch up on my running that'll be one. I was "Reliable" and on time for the whole month of September, but went back to being late for everything after 1 October. We've made a lot of great strides towards being "Organized," but could still be a lot better--that was a tough one to measure success on. We never made or followed a "Financially Stable" budget this month. December's going to be the hardest yet--as I try to cut out all of my unhealthy habits. But for November, I think the UWBT was a success. I set records for the most Pushups (378), Situps (500), and miles run (6.8) in a day, most miles run in a week (23.5--should break that by a few this week), and I lost a ton of weight. I'm over halfway there and already thinking of new things to add onto what will hopefully be my "Ultimate Green Belt Test" starting in March and carrying me through to our move to Alabama. CHALLENGE STATUS PUSHUP: +59 SITUPS: +99 MILES: -31.2 |