Final Class
We walked out of our first school for the last time last night. Princess, SW, and I graduate to Green Belt-D today at a high school that our school owner rents for our joint school graduations. After that, we won't be putting our dobaks on until late July, after we move in and get settled. I have mixed feelings. I feel like the school is going in a good direction, finally. The new chief instructor is finally figuring out what the students are like, and everyone else in our class that is in leadership is finally figuring out whats expected of them and getting into it. New students are showing up every day. We were the last ones to leave last night, after Cowboy got his new belt. After the lights were turned off I went onto the floor one last time and bowed. I am truly going to miss this place. Our lives have changed so much in the last year and a half due in large part to the experiences we've had on the first leg of our Journey. A new dawn is rising, and we are eagerly looking to the next step. I am concerned about the break--whether the kids will be as motivated to take things back up after not having to go for so long. SW and I are committed, so hopefully they will be as excited as we are. I'm at a loss for a way to keep us in the game over the break. So--so long Tucson ATA. And thank you. |
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People should read this.